Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hopefully better at this in the New Year

I just read my friend Missy's blog. I posted a comment and when I did it showed up my blog on her page, so I now I feel like I need to update mine since it's been, oh, 6 months since I've written anything. My last post was about waiting on Brian to come home. Well, he's home and we are in full swing of family life again. This Christmas was so full of joy in our home because we were all together. We are looking forward to a New Year together....for the whole year. I'm going to try to do better at this blogging thing...Missy you've inspired me!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Very First Time

I'm not sure what possessed me to create this blog. It's a beautiful Saturday morning, I have fresh herbs to pot, many loads of laundry to do and yet I created a blog. I'm hoping this will give our family a good outlet to express our feelings and excitement as we near the end of Brian's deployment. Being a military wife is something I never expected to do when I married almost 13 years ago. Being the wife of a deployed soldier...absolutely not! When Brian left last August to begin his deployment to the Middle East, I literally thought my body and soul could not continue without his presence in our home. We had never been apart for more than a month and a year seemed so daunting. This last year has proven to be a growing experience for both of us. I have said many times that I am grateful for the fact that I didn't live during WWII, Korea or Vietnam when communication with your soldier was so limited. We have been able to keep in touch daily through letter, phone conversations and Skype. Our time apart is almost up and in a way I wish all of my loved ones and friends could experience just a fraction of the excitement we feel in our home knowing Brian is almost almost makes the deployment worth it to have these feelings...almost.